In 1676, a man named Nathaniel Bacon led a rebellion known as Bacon’s Rebellion. According to Howard Zinn, Bacon’s Rebellion “was not a war of American colonists against the British. Instead, Bacon’s Rebellion was an uprising of angry, poor colonists against two groups they saw as their enemies. One was the Indians. The other was the colonists’ own rich and privileged leaders.” (A Young People’s History of the United States Pg. 35) Although many people believe that Nathaniel Bacon’s actions were justified by his motivations, I think the opposite. After the government declined Nathaniel Bacons request to fight back against the Native Americans, he wrote a Declaration discussing his reasons for siding with the colonists and his reasons for rebelling. Bacon talked about Governor William Berkeley and the government. They had assumingly unjustly taxed the poor colonists and farmers. Native Americans were attacking the colonists and the government was siding with the Natives by not protecting the farmers. Because Bacon’s heart was in the wrong place, he nullified his reasons.
According to Governor Berkeley- “Indian attacks on the frontier, economic depression, bad weather, high taxes—all created discontent and desire for relief”. These were the reasons Bacon was able to take control over the poor farmers. Without these, Bacon would just be a regular man with nothing to fight for.
Of course, Bacon took advantage of the poor colonists. Because Bacon treated the colonists like he was on their side, they elected him into the House of Burgesses. Telling the colonists that he wanted to help them fight back against the natives, Bacon found their trust. “Bacon owned a good bit of land. He probably cared more about fighting Indians than about helping the poor. Still, the common people of Virginia felt that he was on their side.” –Howard Zinn (A Young People’s History of the United States) A few years before, one of Bacon’s friends had been killed by the Natives, giving Bacon a reason to want to fight the Natives. I think that even though Nathaniel Bacon showed his good intentions to the colonists, all he really wanted to do was get back at the Natives for his friend.
When the colonies began running out of room, the government started pushing the poor colonists out into the Natives’ land. Obviously, the Natives were not happy with the arrangement, and began fighting with the colonists. Colonists became upset by the fact that the government would not give them weapons to fight back. Once, Rev. Robert Gray said “By what right or warrant we can enter into the land of these Savages, take away their rightfull inheritance from them and plant ourselves in their places, being unwronged or unprovoked by them.” Gray was talking about the inhabitants land like it was not the colonists to take. I think Gray is correct. The government should have given the farmers weapons to protect themselves, but on the other hand, the government should not have pushed the farmers towards the Natives land in the first place. Because of these reasons, the poor colonists were already upset and ready to trust anyone. Bacon was ready to lead them and knew it would be a good reason to fight the Natives.
The colonists had been treated badly by the government not only by them siding with the Natives but by taxing the poor for the governments own good. In his declaration, Bacon says “Great unjust taxes upon the commonalty for the advancement of private favorites and other sinister ends, but no visible effects in any measure adequate.” The government is the target of this part of the declaration. Bacon is saying that the government is taxing the poor, without giving anything back to the colonists. Even though the issues of taxes are an important part of government, I don’t believe it has anything to do with the Native Americans. Therefore, Bacon had no reason to go to war against them.
Unquestionably, William Berkeley did not approve Bacon’s request to fight the Natives. “so he begged of the Governor for a commission in several letters to him, that he might go out against them, but he would not grant one, so daily more mischief done by them, so your brother not able to endure any longer, he went out without commission”, wrote Elizabeth Bacon-Nathaniel Bacon’s wife- in a letter to Bacon’s sister back in England. Finally, Bacon had enough of the government not letting him do what he wanted with the Natives. Without government consent, Bacon and the colonists rebelled. Sadly, Bacon died suddenly never getting to finish his movement. But the rebel had no lasting effects, proving even more my point that is Bacon was only being selfish and his actions of killing the Natives were not justifiable.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
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Kendra, this is really really good!
I am completely impressed. (It looks like that amazing outline really paid off)
This is definitely the best essay I have read so far, and by far the most enjoyable. All the other I have read, I found my attention slipping, but yours kept my interest throughout. The entire thing was impressive, the opening quote was perfect, I can see the templates, and you had loads of background info and details.
I could only recommend making your purpose a little cleared, I'm not sure what your thesis is. I also have a small problem with the organization, (just the paragraph spaces)
But otherwise, I think this is absolutely great, I hope mine is as good when Im done :)
First, read Amber's comment again and do what she said. Second, use templates from chapter six. I don't wanna make anyone mad!
Kendra, your paper is really great. It flows well together and your word choice brings out your writing. I also liked the way you put your quotes/facts in your writing. It flowed well with your opinions and made your paper more enjoyable to read. But, your paper is a little short but you can add more to it later. Other than the length, your paper was a great piece of writing.
I thougth your paper had a good amount of they say I say I do have one question in paragraph 4 i think it says the colonist were running out of room and they were "pushed" on to the indian's terriorty where did you read that ?
cause if you can support that it would be a good fact cause i never remember reading about it.
just wanted to point that out i totaly believe ,but it would sound more real if you had a source to back it up.
other than that its really great !
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