Monday, September 29, 2008

Rhetorical Analysis

Author: King James is the author of this article.
Audience: The audience is the people of England
Tone: The tone set in this document by the vocabulary used. The vocabulary style is legal and confident.
Purpose: The main purpose of this article is to approve the settlements on the coast of Virginia and to give permission to use the land and its resources as well as to spread the Christian faith.
-Ethos (emotional): Because this is a legal document, there are no emotions displayed by the author. The document simply uses facts.
-Pathos (character/credibility): The vocabulary and tone set by King James leads us to believe he is educated and therefore is credible and reliable.
Logos (logical): This document is logical because King James sets all the boundaries and rules to the new land. He leaves no open ended questions.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Bartolome de Las Casas

Bartolome de Las Casas argues that the Spaniards treated the natives with less respect than they deserved. I agree because the Spaniards treated the many people of the new world as though they were not as important as the Spaniards thought themselves to be. Bartolome says that the natives were actually “innocent sheep” when the Spaniards took advantage of them for their land and gold. I think that because the Spaniards minds were blocked with images of power and wealth, they did whatever they thought they needed to achieve their goal, even if it meant destroying entire villages in their path.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My Writing Philosophy

I have never thought of myself as a good writer. This year my goal for writing is that I will not have a negative attitude about myself. I will use different techniques in my writing to show my creativeness. My writing needs to show who I am as a person. I cannot expect to get anything from this writing class unless I push myself to my outer limits. I will do all that I can with this class to achieve what I am after, which is to become a better writer.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Charles Deemer

The main idea of Charles Deemer’s essay is that in order to get a real “education” students need to be told to think for themselves as opposed to just listening to a teacher tell them what to think. He thinks that current teaching styles do not prepare people for the real world. To support his work, Charles quoted several other articles and books that showed what he was thinking.

Monday, September 22, 2008

PSEC Attendance Letter

Towards the end of my freshman year I was given a project involving community service. We were told to find something about our school that we could improve. This project changed my mind about community service. Before the project, I thought community service was a waste of time. But doing the community service showed me the positive things that can be gained. It made me feel good about myself as well as being fun. Also, I set a good example for others to follow and make a difference in their community.

Surprisingly during this project, I found I had fun helping others improve our community. Simply by doing a project due in class, I realized how much I enjoy giving back to the community. Working to improve a place shared by many people I learned that having fun is a big part of a community project. It brought me closer to my friends and we shared a healthy bond that showed me simple things done in the community are still enjoyable. At PSEC I can will use the positive attitude I learned while doing the project to help make my community and school a better place.

I like to think that by doing this end of the year project I encouraged others to help clean up the community as well. Showing the improvement the project has made to our school, I hope to have shown students that it is possible and fun to make a difference. A contribution I can make to PSEC is by doing everything I can and setting a good example for the other students and the rest of the community.

By doing a project my first year of high school I have prepared myself for Puget Sound Early College and shown what I have to offer. I have shown my positive attitude toward community service and my willingness to help out around the school. I will set a good example for other students, as well as people in the community.